Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance – A Priority for Fourrures Grenier

For our fur manufacturing company, work life balance is a priority!

These factors which we could qualify as factors of difficulty have become over the years factors of success. They forced us to show a lot of originality, perseverance, openness and leadership. We are proud of our achievements and especially of the team that we have managed to build in Barraute, a municipality of 2000 souls.

In 1985, only 6 people were working at Fourrures Grenier including 5 members of the Grenier family, shareholders of the company.

In November 2015, our large family then grew to 33 employees.

The Conciliation Travail-Famille contest of the Ministry of the Family really challenged us. Indeed, the competition evaluation criterias and our values ​​fit perfectly. It is with great pride that Fourrures Grenier finally received this fine distinction last May. We invite you to watch this short video which describes well the approach and the values ​​of our company.