Technical specifications

1. Fur

  • Absolutely no endangered species are used. Natural and biodegradable raw material.
  • Made of biodegradable natural fur of high quality.

2. Zipper

  • Equipped with heavy-duty plastic teeth and an anti-lock device.
  • Easy and sturdy handling.

3. Finishing seam

  • In genuine leather. This seam reduces the wear and tear caused by rubbing.

4. Lace

  • Elastic (bungee-style). The laces elasticity prevents the fur from tearing.

5. Eyelets

  • Corrosion-resisting steel eyelets and rivets fixed to a piece of genuine leather.
  • Durable, solid and aesthetic.

6. Lining and removable inner bootie

  • Confort, chaleur et respirabilité. Comfort, warmth and breathability.
  • Multilayer laminate comprised of faux fur, polyurethane foam, thermal insulation and polyester, which molds to the foot.

7. Insole

  • Plastazote sole. Insulating and shock absorbing.

8. Exclusive sole developed for Fourrures Grenier

  • With injected air pockets, giving it exceptional thermal insulation efficiency. Very resistant, flexible and non-slip. Lifetime warranty.

9. Grenier's authenticity

  • Grenier’s label on the sole guarantees the authenticity of a top-quality product manufactured in Quebec.

Sizing charts


We recommend you choose the same size you normally wear. For half-sizes, it is recommended to opt for one size up. At fitting, the boot should be very tight without being painful. After wearing them, you will notice that the inner bootie will form to your feet. A boot that is too big will interfere with heat conservation and the comfort.

Fourrures grenier fur boots table

Custom-made manufacturing

If the circumference of your calf is superior to the measure indicated, we will manufacture a custom-made boot for you. To determine the necessary adjustment, put on the boot with the zipper undone, then measure the space between the teeth of the zipper at the largest part of your calf


Place the measuring tape above the ears and measure the circumference of the head while staying as straight as possible.

Fourrures grenier fur hats table

City mittens

First, measure the circumference of the hand, then the length of the hand from the wrist to the tip the longest finger.

Fourrures grenier fur mittens city table


First, measure the circumference of the hand, then the length of the hand from the wrist to the tip the longest finger.

Fourrures grenier fur mittens table


Fourrures grenier fur slippers chalkboard

Babies boots

Tableau - Pointure et hauteur - Bottes

Kids boots

Fourrures grenier baby boots table

Kids hats

Placez le ruban à mesurer à la hauteur du front à environ un demi-pouce au-dessus des oreilles et mesurez le tour de tête en demeurant le plus droit possible.

Fourrures grenier children fur boots table

Kids mittens

Mesurez d’abord le tour de la main, puis la longueur de la main du poignet jusqu’à l’extrémité du majeur.

Fourrures grenier children fur hats table